2004-03-04 23:35:47 UTC
For every 'lecturing' male there is a woman wanting to be told what to
think. For every male player, there is a whore waiting for him. For every
guy that think he's the head of the household, there's a woman expecting him
to pay the bills...
Basically, for every man that is not 'enlightened' as you would put it,
there is a woman who is equally not as 'enlightened'. Men are simply not to
blame for everything in this world.
Should men become more feminine? Should woman become more masculine?
Should they both go halfway and let the world become unisex? Or should we
just accept things as they are and do nothing?
When woman have gained power, they have acted just as men have.
Nothing in this world can be bashed as easily as men can. All arab men are
the same...they're all this way or that...except for few. Imagine if people
said. All jews are the same, wanting to rule the world...except for a few.
All Blacks are the same, all criminals..except for a few. That's an
enlightened world indeed.
think. For every male player, there is a whore waiting for him. For every
guy that think he's the head of the household, there's a woman expecting him
to pay the bills...
Basically, for every man that is not 'enlightened' as you would put it,
there is a woman who is equally not as 'enlightened'. Men are simply not to
blame for everything in this world.
Should men become more feminine? Should woman become more masculine?
Should they both go halfway and let the world become unisex? Or should we
just accept things as they are and do nothing?
When woman have gained power, they have acted just as men have.
Nothing in this world can be bashed as easily as men can. All arab men are
the same...they're all this way or that...except for few. Imagine if people
said. All jews are the same, wanting to rule the world...except for a few.
All Blacks are the same, all criminals..except for a few. That's an
enlightened world indeed.