go girl
inas younis
2004-03-04 14:27:46 UTC
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE> <P>Dear Joyce,</P> <P>LOL,&nbsp;&nbsp; as a arab woman I not only relate to your very accurate and astue description of the verbose and categorical nature of the arab man, but I was also grateful that women like you have enough insight to see beyond the BS, Pardon my french.</P> <P>I hope you take a minute to start a little male reformation by reminding these gentlemen how terribly condescending it is to lecture&nbsp;regurgitated platitudes and attitudes.&nbsp; Lectures&nbsp;&nbsp;make no real reflection of a persons individual personality, except maybe to demonstrate that they have not developed one yet</P> <P>.&nbsp; I suspect that they&nbsp;were &nbsp;being politically correct. according to and in keeping with, thier cultural baggage.&nbsp; Although they will dismiss your dissatisfaction, maybe after cycling through a few more bright women like you, they will recollect your words and perhaps heed them.. I have more faith in their capacity to do so , then I do with the probability that there are more women like you who wont buy into thier psycologically coercive approach towards potential mates.&nbsp; </P> <P>Next girl will probably lap up the lecture and overlook all the red flags.&nbsp; Kudos for not having done so.&nbsp; <BR><BR></P></DIV> <DIV></DIV>&gt;From: "Joyce Lionarons" <***@AOL.COM> <DIV></DIV>&gt;Reply-To: ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;To: ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex union in Islam? <DIV></DIV>&gt;Date: Thu, 4 Mar 2004 08:03:12 -0500 <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;Salaams Eileen and sisters, <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;That must have been John Boswell -- I also have the book, but haven't <DIV></DIV>&gt;read it yet.&nbsp;&nbsp;Unfortunately the scholarship (at least with regard to <DIV></DIV>&gt;Christianity) has been questioned by a large number of scholars, and not <DIV></DIV>&gt;because of anti-gay bias on their part. <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;On another subject (heterosexual rather than same-sex marriage), a week <DIV></DIV>&gt;or so ago I wrote talking about the matchmaking my friends were trying <DIV></DIV>&gt;to do for me -- so I should update you on what happened.&nbsp;&nbsp;I've backed <DIV></DIV>&gt;out of the whole thing.&nbsp;&nbsp;I talked to Yusuf at length on the phone a <DIV></DIV>&gt;couple of times, or maybe I should say he talked to me.&nbsp;&nbsp;He lectured at <DIV></DIV>&gt;great length, entirely in generalities!&nbsp;&nbsp;After literally hours of <DIV></DIV>&gt;listening, I still had no idea what he was like, other than verbose.&nbsp;&nbsp;So <DIV></DIV>&gt;no Yusuf for me. <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;My friends also came up with a second man, who also spoke in <DIV></DIV>&gt;generalities, again giving no indication of his likes, dislikes, <DIV></DIV>&gt;expectations, etc.&nbsp;&nbsp;Is this an Arabic cultural trait? <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;And I think no matchmaking of that kind for me anyway.&nbsp;&nbsp;I got the <DIV></DIV>&gt;impression from both men that if we did like each other I would be <DIV></DIV>&gt;expected to decide on marriage far too soon for my liking. <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;Joyce <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;kas2eileen wrote on 3/4/2004, 7:40 AM: <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; salaam, that is what I was hoping someone else would know about. It <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; was told <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; to me by a gay man, now deceased who researched same sex unions in all <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; religions. I have the book Same Sex Unions but could not find a detailed <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; reference.Eileen <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; ----- Original Message ----- <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; From: <***@UMICH.EDU> <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; To: <***@PROGRESSIVEMUSLIMS.COM> <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 11:16 PM <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex union in <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Islam? <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; Eileen, <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; Can you say more about this? <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; -Mudhillun <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; --On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 10:25 PM -0500 kas2eileen <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <***@EARTHLINK.NET>wrote: <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; salaam, I had been told that in the middle ages it was not <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; uncommon for <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; gay Muslim lovers to commit domestically via adoption and be <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; recognized. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Is this true? Eileen <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; ----- Original Message ----- <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; From: <***@UMICH.EDU> <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; To: <***@PROGRESSIVEMUSLIMS.COM> <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:05 AM <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; union in <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Islam? <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; From Michigan where the democratic process flairs unwieldingly and <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; frighteningly! <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I think there's space in Islam for recognizing the bonds that tie <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; people <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; together, regardless of the genders of those involved . . . and as <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; we've <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; seen in the past, the number as well . . . obviously w/a caveat of <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Qur'anic <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; guidance and what can reasonably be expected for a relationship to <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; bear <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; in the way of just treatment of participants as well as general <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; community welfare and spiritual enrichment. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I had recently heard that there was in Imam here in the United <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; States <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; who'd <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; been in the practice of doing so. (I wonder what that Masjid is <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; like, <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I'd love to visit since it sounds like a place were all are <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; welcome to <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Allah's graces.) <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I just finished reading the submission in "Progressive Muslims" <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; where <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; Scott <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Suraj Kugle talks about the place of sexual minorities in Islam. It <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; gave <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; me <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; a refreshing insight thereof. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; While I was at home with my mother Sunday, we listened to Kecia <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Ali, <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Omida Safi, Mr. Wolf, and Ms. Muhammad talk about change in <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Islam. We <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; were talking about reform and she'd said that when the common <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; expectation becomes gender justice in Islam, the rest would fall in <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; line. I seem to remember that being an expectation or hope from <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; some <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; of <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; the other contributors in the book. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I guess we have to ask our selves if we think it's a benefit to the <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; spiritual welfare of the community and the parties involved to <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; recognize <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; same-sex relationships. Now, obviously as a civil law question I <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; support <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; ALL who wish to cement a commitment of mutual care in this civil <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; institution simply as a matter of equality of legal application and <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; general <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; social cohesion. Whereas, in a religious context, it's not so <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; simple. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I'd say if we agree that it's of benefit in our respective <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; religious <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; communities (considering that this is a new phenomenon/question <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; w/which <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; society is grappling in such a difficult and unique way), it <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; seems the <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; next <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; step is to look to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sharia, and other guides <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; (heavy emphasis on the Qur'an itself if you ask me) in crossing <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; this <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; bridge that heretofore hasn't been trodden so much . . . though I'd <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; recently seen a movie where in a part of North Africa, there had <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; been <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; a <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; community of <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; miners <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; circa early 20th century who were in the practice of marrying one <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; another and it seemed pretty sincere and there may have been an <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; element <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; of religious sanctity employed. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Certainly Feisal, Reformed Judaism and the Dutch Protestant <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Churches <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; are <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; also useful guides as is the history of same-sex unions in <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; Catholicism <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; and even cultures of the Asia and Africa in the past. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; But this is premised on the assumption that we agree that same-sex <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; marriage <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; has some benefit to the Islamic community and the individuals <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; involved. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; I assume we won't sadly but I hope at least that in some of our <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; communities <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; we will begin to think more about what it means to restrict whole <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; groups <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; of <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; people from certain aspects of Islam. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; May Allah guide us in this and ALL questions that perplex us, <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Mudhillun <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; --On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:17 PM +0800 Feisal Abdul Rahman <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <***@STARHUB.NET.SG>wrote: <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Assalamu'alaikum to everyone, <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; With all the heated debate in the US and elsewhere regarding <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; same-sex <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; marriage, I'm curious to find out from members of this list as to <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; whether <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; there is, or if there can be, any room for sanctification of <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; same-sex <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; unions in (progressive) Islam, similar to that of the Protestant <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Church in the Netherlands or of Reform/Reconstructionist Judaism. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Thank you. <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Powered by Gee! - Wireless Access Anywhere <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; &gt; http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; &gt; http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; _______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; ***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims <DIV></DIV>&gt;&nbsp;&nbsp;&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt; <DIV></DIV>&gt;_______________________________________________ <DIV></DIV>&gt;ProgressiveMuslims mailing list <DIV></DIV>&gt;***@progressivemuslims.com <DIV></DIV>&gt;http://willo.nitric.co.za/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/progressivemuslims
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Afdhere Jama
2004-03-04 15:35:32 UTC
2004-03-04 21:58:03 UTC
salaam Afdhere, I respectfully disagree. Why suffer through more hours of lecturing or fight back with lecturing. There are plenty of fish in the sea. Actually these type men are typical of all cultures. I remember growing up being taught to elicit this type of monologue to get a man interested. When I was single again in my late thirties,pre Islam, a friend showing me the ropes of how to deal with singles bars challenged me to notice how the men would talk and talk and never ask what we did for a living or show any interest in our interests. Right on, time after time. I am still struggling with my Arab after 11 years because though he was polite and silent, my verbal dominance began to threaten him and he believes I should never contradict him or present a different opinion though he would deny this. And he is a loving sensitive guy who doesn't try to clip my wings . Joyce, be open, keep looking, and hang out with the Fellowship folks, maybe some potential there. Eileen
----- Original Message -----
From: Afdhere Jama
To: ***@progressivemuslims.com
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] go girl

salam, joyce and inas,

may i say that not all arab men are like that :) and many guys -- arabs included -- deal with women in what they think women want. unfortunately, since feminism "came" out, it has been potrayed (by women, no less) that women do not want the 'sensitive' man. yeah, yeah, i know... some of you will say otherwise...

as for lecturing, why not lecture back. if you let a man know that you are not the 'passive' type, then he will back out. but if you keep listening for hours end, then he will think you are the woman that has been potrayed over and over and over again.

in the arab world, i know this is hard to believe, women are not passive. when it comes to the private life of the couple, the woman rules. in public, women act passive because the culture allows men to be falsely dominant. it took me a long time to realize that that it is the reverse here (west) for most non-arab women. so bear with the brothers :)

also, if you gave up on the brothers on couple interractions, what makes you think that you would be better than -- say -- those who expect you to agree to marriage far too soon for your liking? or is it better to let go earlier than to accept earlier, assuming folks "think" they know what is on each account? it is not that i have a problem with you letting go the brothers, if that is truly what you feel is best in your heart. but i wouldn't have a problem with any couple who proposed on the first date, either, if that is what they feel is best.

i'm just saying reconsider :)


Afdhere Jama
Editorial Director
HURIYAH Publications
Vana Lopez
2004-03-05 00:59:52 UTC

Joyce, sounds like good decisions on your part. in
addition, as a convert i think i'd be concerned about
someone who might be looking for someone a bit more
malleable than I actually am. the 'lectures' while
maybe just nerves with these guys, would probably send
me in that direction--he's looking for thus &
such--and it might be hard for me to shake that
belief, right or wrong. anyway, i'm not an expert on
marrying men or on marrying muslim men (should that be
seen as somehow different). :-) i just have some
maybe quirky ideas.
with love & peace, Vana
Joyce Lionarons
2004-03-05 01:07:27 UTC
Thank you everyone for all the feedback. But I have to say I never
intended that message to go to this list at all, and I'm sitting here
red-faced and embarrassed. I will check what address I am sending to
more carefully in future!


Post by Kate Ahmad
Joyce, sounds like good decisions on your part. in
addition, as a convert i think i'd be concerned about
someone who might be looking for someone a bit more
malleable than I actually am. the 'lectures' while
maybe just nerves with these guys, would probably send
me in that direction--he's looking for thus &
such--and it might be hard for me to shake that
belief, right or wrong. anyway, i'm not an expert on
marrying men or on marrying muslim men (should that be
seen as somehow different). :-) i just have some
maybe quirky ideas.
with love & peace, Vana
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
2004-03-05 02:20:59 UTC
salaam Joyce, I wondered about that, since it was privateislam where it came
up . However many of us are on both lists. I remember one time a survey went
out and I put all kinds of personal info in the response and sent reply
instead of to the correct anonymous email for gathering the info. A kind
woman noted it and told me to double check my addresses. I made a few
bloopers like that. it's ok though . Eileen
----- Original Message -----
From: "Joyce Lionarons" <***@aol.com>
To: <***@progressivemuslims.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 04, 2004 8:07 PM
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] go girl
Post by Joyce Lionarons
Thank you everyone for all the feedback. But I have to say I never
intended that message to go to this list at all, and I'm sitting here
red-faced and embarrassed. I will check what address I am sending to
more carefully in future!
Post by Kate Ahmad
Joyce, sounds like good decisions on your part. in
addition, as a convert i think i'd be concerned about
someone who might be looking for someone a bit more
malleable than I actually am. the 'lectures' while
maybe just nerves with these guys, would probably send
me in that direction--he's looking for thus &
such--and it might be hard for me to shake that
belief, right or wrong. anyway, i'm not an expert on
marrying men or on marrying muslim men (should that be
seen as somehow different). :-) i just have some
maybe quirky ideas.
with love & peace, Vana
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
inas younis
2004-03-04 21:12:47 UTC
Kate Ahmad
2004-03-04 22:47:54 UTC
I dont get your point here Afdhere..
Obviously Joyce felt no connection with these men - and someone who talks
only of his own opinions for hours, is not going to be an attractive
marriage partner.
Why so keen for Joyce to reconsider?
There are plenty of other muslim men out there, probably many more who are
suited to Joyce.
I say you did the right thing Joyce. And dont worry about deciding too
quickly because when its the right person you will *know*. And time will
then cease to matter.
My husband and I were engaged after about 1 month, and married after 5 - and
we are blissfully happy 4 years on alhamdulillah. But I knew with him

Post by kas2eileen
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] go girl
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 07:35:32 -0800
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Na'eem Jeenah
2004-03-05 09:17:15 UTC
salaam kate
Post by Kate Ahmad
My husband and I
were engaged after about 1 month, and married after 5 - and we are
blissfully happy 4 years on alhamdulillah. But I knew with him
I too knew immediately (jail is a good place for that). She and I too got
engaged 1 month (and 10 days after). Blissfully happy 10 years and 3
weeks later :) But, it's not often like that. Usually people take their
time about such things - chemistry or not.


Afdhere Jama
2004-03-05 02:28:04 UTC