running for democracy
Itrath Syed
2004-05-22 21:10:06 UTC
Salaam everyone,

Tomorrow, Sunday May 22, Canada will begin our federal election process. I
wanted to let you all know that I will be a candidate in this election for
the New Democratic Party [NDP], in my home riding of Delta-Richmond East.
My campaign website is www.itrathsyed.ca .

I believe this election is a critical one for Canada. There are many issues
at stake that will determine the future nature of our country. Firstly, our
valued public not-for-profit healthcare system is under threat of increasing
privatization. As well, this election will be the place where Canadians can
stand up for principle that our domestic and foreign policies should reflect
the values and interests of Canadians and not merely serve U.S. interests.

The recent attacks on civil rights in Canada have created fear in many
communities and many Canadians feel like unwelcome guests in our own
country. I've decided to run in this election in order to defiantly claim
my right, and the right of all Canadians, to an equal citizenship in Canada.

I believe in democracy. And I believe that the greatest threats to
democracy are apathy and cynicism. For democracies to be strong and healthy
we must all be passionately involved and invested in the process. I hope
that this election will be a time when we will have dialogue on these and
many other issues and reinvigorate our democracy.

But the campaign does need lots of help. We need volunteers and we need
financial support. Please visit the campaign website at www.itrathsyed.ca
and get involved.


Itrath Syed
Charmi Miller
2004-05-24 15:32:31 UTC
booted? probably not.

this one was... ermmmm saturday. before that there has been very
little. the last thing i remember from that list was the sayings of
mother teresa, which i replied to. there have been inquiries from other
people who wondered if the list was dead, and the list-ers keep replying
that no it is just asleep. oh there was some problem... right.... think
it was about a week ago that the list sent a message apologizing for
some kind of mailing mess-up that was now fixed.

are you on that other list still? is it functional? i'm feeling
totally cut off from discourse on any subject at all --- except, for
reading and posting at mwu. my own choice, sort of - but mostly i
don'[t have time to go out looking for anything new....

Charmi Miller
2004-05-24 15:39:34 UTC

ok that was meant to be a forward - but it seems like i encountered the
nightmare of hitting reply.....

ignore this, obviously. sheeeesh. ok well at least it wasn't too

this was to someone else on the list - who will remain nameless - who
thinks she got booted, because the list has been so dead.

itrath, this gives me the opportunity to ask, what are you running for?
what kind of office?

Itrath Syed
2004-05-24 19:33:02 UTC
salaam charmi,

i am running in the federal election for the position of member of

Post by Charmi Miller
itrath, this gives me the opportunity to ask, what are you running for?
what kind of office?
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
Charmi Miller
2004-05-24 22:05:23 UTC
parliament?? wow!

i'm going to post this at muslim wake up - you don't mind do you?

2004-05-26 02:44:48 UTC
Salaam Itrath,

I wish you all the best. It is very good news and I hope you will make it,
Inshallah. Saw your website 2.

Post by Itrath Syed
salaam charmi,
i am running in the federal election for the position of member of
Post by Charmi Miller
itrath, this gives me the opportunity to ask, what are you running for?
what kind of office?
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list