review of "Two Faces of Islam"
Salaam Steve Schwartz is a Muslim. He was covering the war in Bosnia or
Kosovo and became exposed to islam there. He converted and has been active
in Shaik Kabbani's naqshabandi group. He wrote an article in their now
defunct Muslim magazine several years ago and described his conversion and
struggles with the prayer times. Eileen
---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
From: "kas2eileen" <***>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 12:26:01 -0400
----- Original Message -----
From: inas younis
Sent: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 9:44 AM
Subject: RE: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] review of "Two Faces of Islam"
I disagree with Carool postion with respect to Mr. Schwartz book. I found
the book to be overall an accurate and fair assessment of the pernicious
elements of wahhabism and the havoc it has wreacked on the Islamic world.
He has performed a great service by highlighting the great disparity between
these TWO faces of Islam. And by doing so, has shed some much needed light
on the mainstream tradition of of a tolerant Islam. If he was a Muslim, I
would have accussed him of being too polite. To quesiton his credibility
and motives, is I think inspired more by the fact that he is not a muslim,
then that he is lacking on either accounts.
Reply-To: Muslim community debate and
Subject: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] review of "Two Faces of Islam"
Date: Tue, 04 May 2004 04:15:12 +0000
A review of Stephen Schwartz' "The Two Faces of Islam" has been
posted at
Carool Kersten
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