ProgressiveMuslims digest, Vol 1 #409 - 9 msgs
2004-03-04 07:21:40 UTC
Salaams Inas,

Well I'm not going to argue about the word literal. Perhaps it is the wrong
word. A bit too strong for me. Yeah why not. Literal was perhaps too
strong a word. How about this. I believe that everything in the koran is
100% relevent and nothign can be dismissed and i try and steer away from
twisting the words. Like when the koran talks of marriage between a man and
woman, I think it requires too much reinterpretation and twisting of words
to allow for gay marriage. On the other hand, in the case of the 'men who
don't need woman' (as its translated in the koran i'm reading), the term is
vague enough to possibly mean gay. So, in that case, we can interpret it as
such. We don't have to, but its possible. I hope you can see where I'm
coming from with respect to what I meant by literal.

well Inas, I don't know arabic well enough to know the difference between
non-masculine men, men who don't have need of woman, and gay in arabic
hundreds of years ago. I doubt any of us do. I would be surprised if even
islamic scholors can figure out all the connotations and what not with 100%
accuracy...What does that word mean in that verse is why I gave alternatives
as to what it implies. Like I said, it could just mean castrated men or
even just men who don't lust after woman. That word most probably does not
mean literally 'non-masculine,' nor do I think we'd be able to agree on the
proper translation of that word. So if we give the benefit of the doubt for
the SAKE OF ARGUMENT that it does include homosexual men...then the rest of
it possibly holds.

But as you ask what about woman? On things the Koran does not specify, you
can reasonably extend the meaning from the koran.
So if we take the assumption from above, we can then assume that such
non-feminite woman would exist as well and the interpretation holds.

Message: 2
ProgressiveMuslims digest, Vol 1 #408 - 10
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 20:38:05 -0600
<html><div style='background-color:'><DIV class=RTE>
<P>interesting perspective.. Thank you for that.&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;what about women. If we take the quran literally.
Then we should literally interpret that ommission to mean what????</P>
<P>If you take the quran literally then there really is no
room for your interpretation as such.&nbsp; non masculine
means non masculine, not gay. Unless its explicit right??
Isnt that what literal interpretaions literally mean... to be
literal means not to interpret but to take at face value. A
face value reading&nbsp;does not seem to reinforce
<DIV></DIV></div><br clear=all><hr> <a
href="http://g.msn.com/8HMBENUS/2746??PS=">Learn how to help
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Message: 3
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in Islam?
Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 22:25:14 -0500
salaam, I had been told that in the middle ages it was not
uncommon for gay
Muslim lovers to commit domestically via adoption and be
recognized. Is this
true? Eileen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in
From Michigan where the democratic process flairs unwieldingly and
I think there's space in Islam for recognizing the bonds
that tie people
together, regardless of the genders of those involved . . .
and as we've
seen in the past, the number as well . . . obviously w/a caveat of
guidance and what can reasonably be expected for a
relationship to bear in
the way of just treatment of participants as well as
general community
welfare and spiritual enrichment.
I had recently heard that there was in Imam here in the
United States
been in the practice of doing so. (I wonder what that
Masjid is like, I'd
love to visit since it sounds like a place were all are
welcome to Allah's
I just finished reading the submission in "Progressive
Muslims" where
Suraj Kugle talks about the place of sexual minorities in
Islam. It gave
a refreshing insight thereof.
While I was at home with my mother Sunday, we listened to
Kecia Ali, Omida
Safi, Mr. Wolf, and Ms. Muhammad talk about change in Islam. We were
talking about reform and she'd said that when the common expectation
becomes gender justice in Islam, the rest would fall in
line. I seem to
remember that being an expectation or hope from some of the other
contributors in the book.
I guess we have to ask our selves if we think it's a benefit to the
spiritual welfare of the community and the parties involved
to recognize
same-sex relationships. Now, obviously as a civil law
question I support
ALL who wish to cement a commitment of mutual care in this civil
institution simply as a matter of equality of legal application and
social cohesion. Whereas, in a religious context, it's not
so simple.
I'd say if we agree that it's of benefit in our respective religious
communities (considering that this is a new
phenomenon/question w/which
society is grappling in such a difficult and unique way),
it seems the
step is to look to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sharia, and
other guides (heavy
emphasis on the Qur'an itself if you ask me) in crossing
this bridge that
heretofore hasn't been trodden so much . . . though I'd
recently seen a
movie where in a part of North Africa, there had been a community of
circa early 20th century who were in the practice of
marrying one another
and it seemed pretty sincere and there may have been an element of
religious sanctity employed.
Certainly Feisal, Reformed Judaism and the Dutch Protestant
Churches are
also useful guides as is the history of same-sex unions in
Catholicism and
even cultures of the Asia and Africa in the past.
But this is premised on the assumption that we agree that same-sex
has some benefit to the Islamic community and the
individuals involved.
I assume we won't sadly but I hope at least that in some of our
we will begin to think more about what it means to restrict
whole groups
people from certain aspects of Islam.
May Allah guide us in this and ALL questions that perplex us,
--On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:17 PM +0800 Feisal Abdul Rahman
Assalamu'alaikum to everyone,
With all the heated debate in the US and elsewhere
regarding same-sex
marriage, I'm curious to find out from members of this list as to
there is, or if there can be, any room for sanctification
of same-sex
unions in (progressive) Islam, similar to that of the
Protestant Church
in the Netherlands or of Reform/Reconstructionist
Judaism. Thank you.
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ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
Message: 4
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 23:16:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in
Can you say more about this?
--On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 10:25 PM -0500 kas2eileen
salaam, I had been told that in the middle ages it was not
uncommon for
gay Muslim lovers to commit domestically via adoption and
be recognized.
Is this true? Eileen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Wednesday, March 03, 2004 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in
From Michigan where the democratic process flairs unwieldingly and
I think there's space in Islam for recognizing the bonds
that tie people
together, regardless of the genders of those involved . .
. and as we've
seen in the past, the number as well . . . obviously w/a caveat of
guidance and what can reasonably be expected for a
relationship to bear
in the way of just treatment of participants as well as general
community welfare and spiritual enrichment.
I had recently heard that there was in Imam here in the
United States
been in the practice of doing so. (I wonder what that
Masjid is like,
I'd love to visit since it sounds like a place were all
are welcome to
Allah's graces.)
I just finished reading the submission in "Progressive
Muslims" where
Suraj Kugle talks about the place of sexual minorities in
Islam. It gave
a refreshing insight thereof.
While I was at home with my mother Sunday, we listened to
Kecia Ali,
Omida Safi, Mr. Wolf, and Ms. Muhammad talk about change
in Islam. We
were talking about reform and she'd said that when the common
expectation becomes gender justice in Islam, the rest
would fall in
line. I seem to remember that being an expectation or
hope from some of
the other contributors in the book.
I guess we have to ask our selves if we think it's a
benefit to the
spiritual welfare of the community and the parties
involved to recognize
same-sex relationships. Now, obviously as a civil law
question I support
ALL who wish to cement a commitment of mutual care in this civil
institution simply as a matter of equality of legal
application and
social cohesion. Whereas, in a religious context, it's
not so simple.
I'd say if we agree that it's of benefit in our
respective religious
communities (considering that this is a new
phenomenon/question w/which
society is grappling in such a difficult and unique way),
it seems the
step is to look to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sharia, and
other guides
(heavy emphasis on the Qur'an itself if you ask me) in
crossing this
bridge that heretofore hasn't been trodden so much . . .
though I'd
recently seen a movie where in a part of North Africa,
there had been a
community of
circa early 20th century who were in the practice of marrying one
another and it seemed pretty sincere and there may have
been an element
of religious sanctity employed.
Certainly Feisal, Reformed Judaism and the Dutch
Protestant Churches are
also useful guides as is the history of same-sex unions
in Catholicism
and even cultures of the Asia and Africa in the past.
But this is premised on the assumption that we agree that same-sex
has some benefit to the Islamic community and the
individuals involved.
I assume we won't sadly but I hope at least that in some of our
we will begin to think more about what it means to
restrict whole groups
people from certain aspects of Islam.
May Allah guide us in this and ALL questions that perplex us,
--On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:17 PM +0800 Feisal Abdul Rahman
Assalamu'alaikum to everyone,
With all the heated debate in the US and elsewhere
regarding same-sex
marriage, I'm curious to find out from members of this
list as to
there is, or if there can be, any room for
sanctification of same-sex
unions in (progressive) Islam, similar to that of the Protestant
Church in the Netherlands or of
Reform/Reconstructionist Judaism.
Thank you.
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ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
Message: 5
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in Islam?
Date: Wed, 03 Mar 2004 22:24:42 -0800
<html><div style='background-color:'><P><BR><BR></P>
<P>there are historical references to a caliph&nbsp;(al-amin
of the 9th century)&nbsp;and his openly boyfriend (kawthar.)
and for some reason, there are many other homosexual couples
who were quite accepted. some of these couples, obviously,
had children. i'm still trying to find whether&nbsp;if
some&nbsp;were more accepted because they had children or what. </P>
<DIV><STRONG>Afdhere Jama </STRONG><BR><EM>Editorial Director
A N C I S C O <BR><A
[Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex union in
&gt;salaam, I had been told that in the middle ages it was
[Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex union in
&gt;Islam? &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; From Michigan where the
together, regardless of the genders of those involved . . .
and what can reasonably be expected for a relationship to
&gt; been in the practice of doing so. (I wonder what that
Suraj Kugle talks about the place of sexual minorities in
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; While I was at home with my mother
Wolf, and Ms. Muhammad talk about change in Islam. We were
&gt; &gt; talking about reform and!
she'd s
&gt; remember that being an expectation or hope from some of
&gt; I guess we have to ask our selves if we think it's a
relationships. Now, obviously as a civil law question I
&gt; social cohesion. Whereas, in a religious context, it's
communities (considering that this is a new
&gt; step is to look to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sharia, and
heretofore hasn't been trodden so much . . . though I'd
circa early 20th century who were in the practice of marrying
useful guides as is the history of same-sex unions in
&gt; &gt; has some benefit to the Islamic community and the
sadly but I hope at least that in some of our &gt!
--On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:17 PM +0800 Feisal Abdul
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Assalamu'alaikum to everyone, &gt;
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; With all the heated debate in the US
curious to find out from members of this list as to
&gt;whether &gt; &gt; &gt; there is, or if there can be, any
(progressive) Islam, similar to that of the Protestant Church
&gt; &gt; &gt; in the Netherlands or of
&gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; &gt; Powered by Gee!
&gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list &gt; &gt; &gt;
&gt; &gt; _______________________________________________
&gt; &gt; ProgressiveMuslims mailing list &gt; &gt;
&gt;ProgressiveMuslims mailing list
sivemuslims </div><br clear=all><hr> <a
href="http://g.msn.com/8HMAENUS/2728??PS=">FREE pop-up
blocking with the new MSN Toolbar – get it now!</a> </html>
Message: 6
Date: Thu, 04 Mar 2004 01:34:54 -0500
Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be
same-sex union in
Salaams all,
The film I was talking about was "The Path of Love" (Tarik El
Hob) directed =
by Remi Lange and in it, there's mention of the Siwa Oasis in
Egypt. I wish =
I could find more biblio data, I found it's documented in the 1990=20
Encyclopedia of Homosexuality, edited by Wayne Dynes. (New
York: Garland,=20
v. 2, pp. 940-941, 1198).
A few years ago I read "Islamic Homosexualities" (New York
University Press =
1997) edited by Will Roscoe and Stephen O. Murray as well as
"Sexuality and =
Eroticism Among Males in Moslem Societies" (Harrington Park
Press, 1991)=20
edited by Arno Schmitt and Jehoeda Sofer. They also document
relationships some with official and/or sacred recognition
Islamic cultures/history.
"Seek ye knowledge from the cradle to the grave"
--On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 10:24 PM -0800 Afdhere Jama=20
there are historical references to a caliph (al-amin of the
9th century)
and his openly boyfriend (kawthar.) and for some reason,
there are many
other homosexual couples who were quite accepted. some of
these couples,
obviously, had children. i'm still trying to find whether
if some were
more accepted because they had children or what.
Afdhere Jama
Editorial Director
HURIYAH Publications
To: >Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can there be same-sex
union in Islam? >Date: Wed, 3 Mar 2004 22:25:14 -0500 >
salaam, I had
been told that in the middle ages it was not uncommon for
gay >Muslim
lovers to commit domestically via adoption and be
recognized. Is this
Sent: Wednesday,
March 03, 2004 9:05 AM >Subject: Re: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Can
there be same-sex union in >Islam? > > > > From Michigan where the
democratic process flairs unwieldingly and > >
frighteningly! > > > > I
think there's space in Islam for recognizing the bonds that
tie people >
together, regardless of the genders of those invo! lved .
. . and as
we've > > seen in the past, the number as well . . .
obviously w/a caveat
of >Qur'anic > > guidance and what can reasonably be expected for a
relationship to bear in > > the way of just treatment of
participants as
well as general community > > welfare and spiritual
enrichment. > > > > I
had recently heard that there was in Imam here in the United States
who'd > > been in the practice of doing so. (I wonder what
that Masjid
is like, I'd > > love to visit since it sounds like a place
were all are
welcome to Allah's > > graces.) > > > > I just finished reading the
submission in "Progressive Muslims" where >Scott > > Suraj
Kugle talks
about the place of sexual minorities in Islam. It gave >me > > a
refreshing insight thereof. > > > > While I was at home
with my mother
Sunday, we listened to Kecia Ali, Omida > > Safi, Mr. Wolf, and Ms.
Muhammad talk abo! ut change in Islam. We were > > talking
about reform
and! she'd s aid that when the common expectation > > becomes gender
justice in Islam, the rest would fall in line. I seem to >
that being an expectation or hope from some of the other >
in the book. > > > > I guess we have to ask our selves if
we think it's a
benefit to the > > spiritual welfare of the community and
the parties
involved to recognize > > same-sex relationships. Now,
obviously as a
civil law question I support > > ALL who wish to cement a
commitment of
mutual care in this civil > > institution simply as a
matter of equality
of legal application and >general > > social cohesion. Whereas, in a
religious context, it's not so simple. > > > > I'd say if
we agree that
it's of benefit in our respective religious > > communities
that this is a new phenomenon/question w/which > > society
is grappling
in such a difficult and unique way), it seems the >nex! t >
step is to
look to the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sharia, and other guides (heavy > >
emphasis on the Qur'an itself if you ask me) in crossing
this bridge that
heretofore hasn't been trodden so much . . . though I'd
recently seen
a > > movie where in a part of North Africa, there had been
a community
of >miners > > circa early 20th century who were in the practice of
marrying one another > > and it seemed pretty sincere and
there may have
been an element of > > religious sanctity employed. > > > >
Feisal, Reformed Judaism and the Dutch Protestant Churches
are > > also
useful guides as is the history of same-sex unions in
Catholicism and > >
even cultures of the Asia and Africa in the past. > > > >
But this is
premised on the assumption that we agree that same-sex
marriage > > has
some benefit to the Islamic community and the individuals
involved. > > >
I ass! ume we won't sadly but I hope at least that in
some of our &gt!
;communi ties > > we will begin to think more about what it means to
restrict whole groups >of > > people from certain aspects
of Islam. > > >
May Allah guide us in this and ALL questions that perplex us, > >
Mudhillun > > > > > > > > > > --On Wednesday, March 03, 2004 5:17 PM
+0800 Feisal Abdul Rahman > > wrote: > > > > > > > >
Assalamu'alaikum to
everyone, > > > > > > With all the heated debate in the US
and elsewhere
regarding same-sex > > > marriage, I'm curious to find out
from members
of this list as to >whether > > > there is, or if there can
be, any room
for sanctification of same-sex > > > unions in (progressive) Islam,
similar to that of the Protestant Church > > > in the
Netherlands or of
Reform/Reconstructionist Judaism. Thank you. > > > > > > > > > > > >
Powered b! y Gee! - Wireless Access Anywhere > > > > > >
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