2004-09-02 17:48:27 UTC
----- Original Message -----
From: aliabadi
To: hamid tehrani ; ahmad sadri ; ahmad Sheikhzadeh ; Ali Sadegh ; Hossein Kamaly ; Mahmoud Sadri ; *** ; Vahid Qaravi ; *** ; ***
Cc: Ali Karjoo-Ravary ; Amin Aliabadi ; hamid tehrani ; Hossein Ahmadi ; Name Not Disclosed ; progressivemuslims-*** ; YADDY MEHDIZADEH
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:58 PM
Subject: Anti-Islamic book
Dear Friends,
The post 9/11 climate has produced so many books, articles, films and television programs attacking Islam and Muslims. Unfurtunely, the rigid, fanatic, narrow minded views of some so called Muslims and the violent actions of fascist groups like Al-qaeda have brought the relationship between Muslims and the West back to the medieval period, destroying the effort of broad minded Muslims and the followers of other religions to build a bridge between Islam and the West in the past few decades. This atmosphere not only gives an opportunity to all the ultra evangelicals and extremists, but also has given a chance to ultra secularists and secular fundamentalists both in the West and in the Muslim World to attack Islam, Muslims and especially Muslim Intellectuals.
The following book is a manifestation of many anti-Islam and anti-Muslim books that have been published in English after 9/11;
Winn, Craig. Prophet of Doom: Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words. Virginia: Cricketstong Books, Virginia Publishers, 2004.( 1-800-487-0568).
The author claims that 9/11 provoked him to spend 10,000 hours to write this book. The book is about a thousand pages of quotations from the Qura'n, Ibn Ishaq's Sira, Tabari's History and Sahih al-Bukhari. The introduction is full of the worst kind of insults and slanders to the Prophet of Islam.
What is happening now is the result of the failure of the Muslims to come to terms with the challenges of modernity and the need to rethink the whole structure of Muslim thinking. The Muslim world is plagued with a religiously and culturally closed mindset, political corruptions, economic decay, and freedom deficit.
In the post 9/11 world, it is an urgent necessity of Muslims and, in particular, Muslim intellectuals to be engaged in serious soul searching and self criticism in order to envision a proper place for Islam and Muslims in the modern world. Violence in the name of Islam, including the death of innocent civilians, the taking of hostages, and the outbreak of suicide bombers, as well as any fascist readings of Islam must be condemned without reservation by all Muslims. Instead, Understanding and dialogue with the West must be the priority. More than ever we need an enlightened Occidentalism as the West needs an enlightened Orientalism.
Ali M. Aliabadi
From: aliabadi
To: hamid tehrani ; ahmad sadri ; ahmad Sheikhzadeh ; Ali Sadegh ; Hossein Kamaly ; Mahmoud Sadri ; *** ; Vahid Qaravi ; *** ; ***
Cc: Ali Karjoo-Ravary ; Amin Aliabadi ; hamid tehrani ; Hossein Ahmadi ; Name Not Disclosed ; progressivemuslims-*** ; YADDY MEHDIZADEH
Sent: Thursday, September 02, 2004 12:58 PM
Subject: Anti-Islamic book
Dear Friends,
The post 9/11 climate has produced so many books, articles, films and television programs attacking Islam and Muslims. Unfurtunely, the rigid, fanatic, narrow minded views of some so called Muslims and the violent actions of fascist groups like Al-qaeda have brought the relationship between Muslims and the West back to the medieval period, destroying the effort of broad minded Muslims and the followers of other religions to build a bridge between Islam and the West in the past few decades. This atmosphere not only gives an opportunity to all the ultra evangelicals and extremists, but also has given a chance to ultra secularists and secular fundamentalists both in the West and in the Muslim World to attack Islam, Muslims and especially Muslim Intellectuals.
The following book is a manifestation of many anti-Islam and anti-Muslim books that have been published in English after 9/11;
Winn, Craig. Prophet of Doom: Islam's Terrorist Dogma in Muhammad's Own Words. Virginia: Cricketstong Books, Virginia Publishers, 2004.( 1-800-487-0568).
The author claims that 9/11 provoked him to spend 10,000 hours to write this book. The book is about a thousand pages of quotations from the Qura'n, Ibn Ishaq's Sira, Tabari's History and Sahih al-Bukhari. The introduction is full of the worst kind of insults and slanders to the Prophet of Islam.
What is happening now is the result of the failure of the Muslims to come to terms with the challenges of modernity and the need to rethink the whole structure of Muslim thinking. The Muslim world is plagued with a religiously and culturally closed mindset, political corruptions, economic decay, and freedom deficit.
In the post 9/11 world, it is an urgent necessity of Muslims and, in particular, Muslim intellectuals to be engaged in serious soul searching and self criticism in order to envision a proper place for Islam and Muslims in the modern world. Violence in the name of Islam, including the death of innocent civilians, the taking of hostages, and the outbreak of suicide bombers, as well as any fascist readings of Islam must be condemned without reservation by all Muslims. Instead, Understanding and dialogue with the West must be the priority. More than ever we need an enlightened Occidentalism as the West needs an enlightened Orientalism.
Ali M. Aliabadi