My Mistake
21 years ago
Assalaamu Alaykum Isa et al!

Geez, this list has been pretty quiet lately . . . are we ALL out in the
streets or at hearings in the legislatures to change the status quo? I'd
like to believe so but I hope folks are well just the same. Happy spring
everyone who's experiencing that now!

Congrats, Isa, on the fundraising! Sorry about the delay but I finally made
a small symbolic pledge of support ($15). I hope the ride's a success and
I'm glad there are people in the Islamic community who are active on this

Have you connected w/AFSC's LGBT program in Honolulu?
<http://www.afsc.org/pacificsw/gayliberation.htm> I work in the Michigan
office . . . just an idea. Maybe there's some interest, overlap, and room
for collaboration.

It was also good to hear about some of the work that other PMN members are
doing on the issue of AIDS and how we might approach it with respect to
Islamic customs. I hope to hear more in the near future, particularly on
the issue of Islamic family arrangement and sexual prescriptions as it
pertains to AIDS transmission.

I'd kept an earlier post about AIDS and I just wanted to respond to it
since itÂ’s related to this. Maybe there some fodder here for discussion.

There was an idea expressed that many of our more conservative brothers and
sisters might object to a Muslim's participation in something like the ride
that Isa's taking part (or by extension AIDS research I suppose) in under
the assumption that most AIDS victims are either homosexuals or IV drug
users. I'm kinda scratching my head on that one for two reasons.

First, I don't see how people who are les-bi-gay or who have drug
addictions (not that I'm making a comparison, I'm not) are less worthy of
attention, treatment, or assistance from us as people who live our faith
compassionately, justly, and actively. Am I the one who's making a bad
assumption about the way to live as a Muslim?

The second perplexity is that, in many parts of the world (i.e. Africa
sadly), the vast majority of people who live with HIV or AIDS are neither
homosexual/bisexual (READ AS THOSE TERRIBLE SODOMITE MEN!) nor drug users
heterosexual people and many are women who are disempowered in insisting
that their sex partners wear condoms usually in what they believe are
monogamous relationships. It's the same for African-American women who are
the fastest growing population of the growing epidemic on this continent .
. . this in addition to children who are born with the condition. I say
this not to further a "Some sufferers are more worthy because they aren't
transgressors, they're blameless." argument but rather to show that it can
happen to ANYONE and that we are all worthy of our help and compassion.

(How many relatives, friends, and acquaintances do I have who currently
live with the virus in silence and shame because of the "you deserved it"
mentality? I mean, I even have a sister who may have had the virus. She
succumbed to a kidney failure last summer . . . or at least that's what I
am told by my siblings who handled the situation toward the end.)

I think it just goes along with that "homosexuals/drug users = wrong doers"
verses other people with the virus being totally innocent decent pitiable
people. I think we should be happy when ANYONE benefits from advances in
medical know-how and we should work toward it and support others who do as

I think it's pretty sad but I'll stop railing and ranting. Again, Isa, you
have this Muslim's support in word and deed. I'd be elated to hear others
impressions as well.

Mudhillun :)

--On Monday, April 05, 2004 5:37 AM -1000 Isa Abdul-Tawwab
<***@earthlink.net> wrote:

> As-salaamu aleykum Mudhillun,
> I forgot you said you were going to mail a check.
> You could either mail your check to me or directly to the charities
> involved.
> You would make the check out to "Paradise Ride". Just fill-out the
> enclosed form - it's in pdf format, so you would need Adobe Acrobat to
> read it - and mail the check directly to them. The address is on the
> form, but I will give it to you here: Paradise Ride
> 2004 677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 226
> Honolulu, HI 96813-5405
> The Riders do not handle donations themselves, they go directly to the
> charities. People have given me cash, on occasion, and I have to
> physically take the money to the office in order to submit it to them.
> My legal name is "Duane Browning" so, you would need to write that name
> where it says: "Yes, I would like to help".
> If you would prefer to mail the check directly to me, I can give you my
> home address, if you want. The check would still have to be made to
> "Paradise Ride".
> Sorry for the mistake.
> As-salaamu aleykum,
> `Isa Abdul-Tawwab
> (Duane Browning)
> Paradise Rider #1219
21 years ago
salaam I think there are so many members here on other lists that it often
feels as though we are still talking and discussing even when not here. I
totally agree about the AIDS. I discussed the lack of action with the
mosques here but I am not active with them and would come across as a new
visitor trying to run the show. I think that many of us are doing something
in other organizations that are not Islamic but I also thing we do need to
stop stigmatizing. It is the same with addiction. There appears to be
judgment about it that keeps Muslims from telling or asking help from within
the community for the most part. I do know there is a booklet of 12 steps
for Muslims and were some groups in Baltimore MD. But most are afraid to
talk or ask. I guess us progressive Muslims with our meetings and
newsletters are where it may start. Eileen
----- Original Message -----
From: <***@umich.edu>
To: <***@progressivemuslims.com>
Sent: Thursday, April 22, 2004 3:59 PM
Subject: [Progressivemuslimsnetwork] Re: My Mistake

Assalaamu Alaykum Isa et al!

Geez, this list has been pretty quiet lately . . . are we ALL out in the
streets or at hearings in the legislatures to change the status quo? I'd
like to believe so but I hope folks are well just the same. Happy spring
everyone who's experiencing that now!

Congrats, Isa, on the fundraising! Sorry about the delay but I finally made
a small symbolic pledge of support ($15). I hope the ride's a success and
I'm glad there are people in the Islamic community who are active on this

Have you connected w/AFSC's LGBT program in Honolulu?
<http://www.afsc.org/pacificsw/gayliberation.htm> I work in the Michigan
office . . . just an idea. Maybe there's some interest, overlap, and room
for collaboration.

It was also good to hear about some of the work that other PMN members are
doing on the issue of AIDS and how we might approach it with respect to
Islamic customs. I hope to hear more in the near future, particularly on
the issue of Islamic family arrangement and sexual prescriptions as it
pertains to AIDS transmission.

I'd kept an earlier post about AIDS and I just wanted to respond to it
since it's related to this. Maybe there some fodder here for discussion.

There was an idea expressed that many of our more conservative brothers and
sisters might object to a Muslim's participation in something like the ride
that Isa's taking part (or by extension AIDS research I suppose) in under
the assumption that most AIDS victims are either homosexuals or IV drug
users. I'm kinda scratching my head on that one for two reasons.

First, I don't see how people who are les-bi-gay or who have drug
addictions (not that I'm making a comparison, I'm not) are less worthy of
attention, treatment, or assistance from us as people who live our faith
compassionately, justly, and actively. Am I the one who's making a bad
assumption about the way to live as a Muslim?

The second perplexity is that, in many parts of the world (i.e. Africa
sadly), the vast majority of people who live with HIV or AIDS are neither
homosexual/bisexual (READ AS THOSE TERRIBLE SODOMITE MEN!) nor drug users
heterosexual people and many are women who are disempowered in insisting
that their sex partners wear condoms usually in what they believe are
monogamous relationships. It's the same for African-American women who are
the fastest growing population of the growing epidemic on this continent .
. . this in addition to children who are born with the condition. I say
this not to further a "Some sufferers are more worthy because they aren't
transgressors, they're blameless." argument but rather to show that it can
happen to ANYONE and that we are all worthy of our help and compassion.

(How many relatives, friends, and acquaintances do I have who currently
live with the virus in silence and shame because of the "you deserved it"
mentality? I mean, I even have a sister who may have had the virus. She
succumbed to a kidney failure last summer . . . or at least that's what I
am told by my siblings who handled the situation toward the end.)

I think it just goes along with that "homosexuals/drug users = wrong doers"
verses other people with the virus being totally innocent decent pitiable
people. I think we should be happy when ANYONE benefits from advances in
medical know-how and we should work toward it and support others who do as

I think it's pretty sad but I'll stop railing and ranting. Again, Isa, you
have this Muslim's support in word and deed. I'd be elated to hear others
impressions as well.

Mudhillun :)

--On Monday, April 05, 2004 5:37 AM -1000 Isa Abdul-Tawwab
<***@earthlink.net> wrote:

> As-salaamu aleykum Mudhillun,
> I forgot you said you were going to mail a check.
> You could either mail your check to me or directly to the charities
> involved.
> You would make the check out to "Paradise Ride". Just fill-out the
> enclosed form - it's in pdf format, so you would need Adobe Acrobat to
> read it - and mail the check directly to them. The address is on the
> form, but I will give it to you here: Paradise Ride
> 2004 677 Ala Moana Blvd., Suite 226
> Honolulu, HI 96813-5405
> The Riders do not handle donations themselves, they go directly to the
> charities. People have given me cash, on occasion, and I have to
> physically take the money to the office in order to submit it to them.
> My legal name is "Duane Browning" so, you would need to write that name
> where it says: "Yes, I would like to help".
> If you would prefer to mail the check directly to me, I can give you my
> home address, if you want. The check would still have to be made to
> "Paradise Ride".
> Sorry for the mistake.
> As-salaamu aleykum,
> `Isa Abdul-Tawwab
> (Duane Browning)
> Paradise Rider #1219