sister rehana,
that was a nice article discussing the idea of a jewish state. thanks
for letting us know about it. i even learned two little details i
hadn't known before, so i appreciate that aspect of it very much.
when articles are posted here, i read them right away. but when it's
only a link, it often takes me a while to get back to them...
i'm sure not everyone reads their e-mail that way, but ...with dial-up
it's slow enough just getting through my newspapers article by article -
and sometimes i don't even feel i have the time for that, so i'd always
rather receive the entire text of articles. is there a general policy
discouraging that here? i can't remember....
(i liked the axis of logic article enough to post it at muslim wake up.
if anyone here hasn't been reading there, you should check it out.
there are some very interesting things to read there. all kinds of
things... and you can comment to your heart's delight.)